Monday, June 11, 2012

GW2 Beta w/e

Managed to play a bit in the Beta WeekEnd this weekend. Hmm... maybe I'm just to old and slow to catch on, but I found it frustrating. I didn't know what to do, how to do it, where to go... when I did decide what to do, lots of distractions would come up along the way to take me off track.. Then I'd be button-mashing to kill some random beastie - a stampeding minotaur, a grawl thief, or some other critter - with lots of other people who had miraculously turned up.... All in all, a bit too chaotic for my liking...

Friday, June 08, 2012

Betas & Stress tests

Well I did play GW2 in the stress test last month. As expected I spent a long time in the character creation section, then had a little play. I get very attached to my characters and creating them is hugely important for me. I enjoy spending time getting a look I'm happy with, then thinking up a name that really 'fits'. GW2 character creation is very 'tweakable', so this just adds to the enjoyment for me.

Of course there are lots of images on the web now, and videos about GW2 character creation, gameplay, etc., but whilst searching for a suitable image to put here to show this 'tweakability', I stumbled upon this video showing how a player created some celebrity looks:

Everything in GW2 is so different! Getting used to a new way of moving around in GW2 will take a bit of getting used to! You can't just click on the map and your character will run there anymore: using the movement keys is now the only way. This includes running to your target monster or NPC... now that does feel odd. Makes more sense though so I ain't complainin' :)

GW friends of mine of course were steaming through the game, levelling and getting way ahead of me, whilst I just pottered around the starting area. They did play in the first beta and I think spent more time playing but still, it would have happened. Hehe. I'm guessing some of them did what Ravven here said i.e. 'hit “random” a few times to get an acceptable look and maybe move the boob slider up, and then they’re good to go' whilst I'm with her about spending time on the creation.

Anyway, I enjoyed it, and hope I'll get time to play in this coming weekend's beta event (8th - 10th June '12)