Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thang occupied me for a while

Whilst on my 'GW break' I've been playing a little game called 'Thang'. I say 'little' because it takes only a very short amount of time to realise what the game's about: levelling.

Levelling/hunting/'grinding'/'farming' isn't really my bag, however Thang does have something which I find very appealing: a decent trading system. You basically put your items in your shop (just like another inventory window), enter the price you want for the item and that's it. You can go out and do your shopping for the day, or play in the park or whatever and come back and find you've sold stuff and made money. I know there are other games which have similar systems, but this is the only one I've really come across and I think it's cool.

'Little' also fits the size of Thang pretty well too, since there are three servers (four, but one has been combined with the first) and only about eight maps, not including the two towns and the general meeting/trading/lune (see below) purchasing place, Nusamlatana. The maps aren't exactly huge too, and you can easily come across 'KSing' problems (Kill Stealing - where someone decides to hit what you're killing, when the monster won't hurt them because it's busy gnawing on you, thus reducing your experience and possibly stealing your drops too).

I've quite enjoyed Thang though. It's light relief. Not being a 'grinder', I level as and when I feel like it, then do other stuff like trading, refining items, etc.. My other half actually likes it too, which is nice: it's been a while since we both played the same game, together (Syphon Filter on the Playstation - not even online or two player Lol!).

No-one seems to know what the max. level is in Thang. One of the GM's is L202 I believe. No player has reached that yet, though one or two have made it to somewhere around 170 I think..
Another quite refreshing thing about Thang is that any monster has a chance (though a small one) of dropping any item in the game.. I think... and there are 'boxes' which are visually exciting (they glow a lot ^..^ ) which appear randomly across the land from time-to-time which can drop nice stuff.

Prices in Thang are quite incredible... one of the rarest, if not 'the' rarest items in the game, goes for over 600 million 'dien'(in-game monetary unit)! wow! Low level refines easily go for 5k dien and up.. There's a bit of inflation going on at the moment there.. ;o

'Lune' is also in-game currency, though Lune is purchased with Real Money. You get somewhere around 6,000 Lune for about £3 and with this you can buy 'pots' (potions which give 99 decent heals or energy regeneration). An HP+1 (99) Pot can be sold to other players for anything up to 1 million dien! Something like a scroll for giving you more experience, goes for around 4 or 5 million.

Anyway, Thang's getting a bit stale for us now, so 'he' (how come there are LOADS of names for the female 'other half', but not so many for the male...? :/) will probably go back to his snooker and Op Flashpoint, and I'll re-familiarize myself with GW ;)

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