Friday, April 13, 2007

"We were on a break!"

I stopped playing a good few weeks ago, due to several reasons. Being in a Guild was great, but whereas when I was 'solo' I just decided what I wanted to do and did it, be it finding a certain monster for a drop or a skill, or joining a PuG to complete a mission; I found that being in a guild made me feel like I was always supposed to be joining in, and when it was often the stressful PvP or doing the same old missions yet again it became a drag.

I'm not great at PvP and I found it stressful having to try and succeed all the time and having people getting clearly annoyed with each other when we didn't win. Some would just say they had to go, when you knew that had we been winning they'd have stayed much longer. It wasn't fun. Of course, I'd like to win too, but I'm not gonna sulk when we don't. Also, there'd be ages of waiting whilst everyone got ready because someone always turned up at the last minute and need to know the build and which skills, etc. to bring, blah blah..

Also, it seemed that whatever type of PvP we did, there HAD to be a build. This got on my nerves sometimes, since at times I'd like to just do something spur of the moment, for a laugh and see what happens. Have fun! It's a game after all. If we win, what a crack; something to have a good laugh at: we just jumped in with any old build and won. If we lose, so what. We had a go, had a bit of fun, probably learned something and didn't lose ages talking/arguing about or simply taking orders about how to play. To make matters worse, this spilled over into PvE!! It got to a point where people didn't want to attempt later/harder areas because we didn't have sufficient characters/builds between us to do whatever build someone had decided was the build we must try. I'm not saying this is a bad idea. 'Fail to prepare and you prepare to fail' is a good philosophy to follow, but.. ALL the time..? nah. What about just doing something ad hoc, for the Hell of it!?

I really wanted to get good at PvP, and believe I was improving. A couple of people said I was good, but I don't know whether they were just being nice.. I ended up monking mostly because I wasn't too bad and there always seemed to be a need. The organising of PvP was a nightmare.. I'm sure I'll give it another go sometime. Who knows, maybe I'll be writing again in a year's time saying I love it! Hmmm... LoL!

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